Monday, March 31, 2008

Are Social Networks Truly Social?

Are virtual communities naive?

Does E-mail promote linguistic sophistication?

Does being constantly connected actually disconnect us emotionally?

Friday, March 28, 2008

What are the Consequences...

Of our dependance on technology?

Of our expectations of instant gratification?

Of our hunger for all things new and improved?

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Do Animals have Rights?

Is it our Legal Obligation to protect them?

Is it our Moral Right to protect them?

Is it our Social Right to protect them?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Why is Belief in a God a Qualification for Leadership?

Is Religion Superstition?

Is Faith Scientific?

Is Belief in God possible without defining God?

Why is it an important quality in political leaders?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Are Class Divisions more Significant than Race Divisions?

Why are the bottom economic classes so divided?

Why are the top tier economic classes so united?

Why can't we have a national discussion about class?

Monday, March 24, 2008

Are We Responsible?

For ourselves?

For our Family?

For our Neighbors?

For our Community?

For our City?

For our State?

For our Country?

For our World?

How do we decide where and when to "draw a line" wherein we absolve that responsibility?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Is Money Speech?

In a democracy should influence be asymmetrical and based on media ownership?

Should broadcast networks work for the public good - education - long form investigative reporting - to retain their licenses?

Is all fair in love - war - and political campaigns?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Is Personal Ambition Important?

What is the balance of personal ambition and personal responsibility?




Is responsibility quantifiable?

Should Innovation be Risk Free?

Should we encourage failure as a path to success?

Should we value failure more than we do?

Should society protect innovators from failure?

Should the government be bailing out investment banks for risky investments gone bad?

Should a Majority of One "Take All"?

Is representation by population possible?

Is one man/woman -  one vote possible?

How can a minority of one retain its true political power?

Does Social Diversity Strengthen or Weaken a Society?

Why is religious, ethnic and economic diversity a good thing?

What is the alternative?

Does diversity promote conflict or understanding?

Friday, March 14, 2008

Is Plot Character?

Is story character?

Is plot story?

In life, is your story, your character?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Is Society a Marketplace?

Do we negotiate selfish and selfless behavior?

Do we negotiate defensive and offensive behaviors?

Do we negotiate our own afterlife?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Is It More Important to be Grateful Than to Be Proud?

In the discussion of national identity?

In the discussion of religious identity?

In the discussion of social identity?

Sunday, March 9, 2008

What Art Form has More Lasting Impact On Our Culture?

Literature or Film?

Music or Architecture?

Graffiti  or Photography?

What Has a More Profound Impact on Your Consciousness?

Drama or Comedy?
Stillness or Movement?
Relaxation or Adrenaline?

Fact or Fiction?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Is Understanding/Studying History Important?

For Citizens?

For Consumers?

For Activists?

For Politicians?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Are We More Connected to Brands than to Real Ideas?

Are cliches a viable political message?

Is a political message just a branding exercise or is there a deeper meaning to sloganeering?

Do words matter?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Is Sovereignty Possible in an Interdependent World?

Can the U.S. solve its economic, health and climate issues unilaterally?

Why don't Candidates mention Global Interdependence?

Can An American Candidate get elected by having an open and honest discussion of the real issues?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Is War Part of the Human Condition?

For the last 5000 years, has there ever been a time on earth without war?

What drives humans to fight so consistently?

Is it to:

Defend their lives?

Defend their property?

Spread their religion and culture?

Expand their economic influence?

Service the ego of their leadership?

Monday, March 3, 2008

Should the United Nations be Abolished?

If so, should it be replaced with an international organization focused on social, medical, educational needs?

If not, should it build the world's most powerful armed force?

Is false hope more dangerous than real hope?